
    From regenerative strategies to pharmacological approaches: can we fine-tune treatment for Parkinson’s disease?
  • Figure 1|SCS and NAC mechanistic effects. 

    In the last decades, research has been devoted to investigate the neurodegenerative processes and symptomology of PD instead of the loss of the dopaminergic system in the nigrostriatal pathway. Nowadays it is recognized that Parkinson’s comprises different cell types, mechanisms and circuitries in the brain (and in the periphery), and the erstwhile obsession with dopaminergic neurons and mainly with DA levels reposition has been a limiting factor in advancing new approaches towards modifying the trajectory of the disease. Indeed, single treatment approaches (or even with adjuvant strategies) have failed, by showing quite variable outcomes, either displaying benefits (during the first years after disease diagnosis) or leading to adverse effects (due to higher doses in medium-late stages of the disease), thereby being insufficient to tackle the dissimilar strands of PD. Therefore, synergistic approaches seem greater than isolated perspectives when employing them in this pathology, as we can hold distinct impacts on different cell, mechanisms, and brain areas. In fact, a logical design of combinatorial strategies that can overcome the limitations of single drug/surgical approach could be the path to pursue to help clinicians successfully manage patients’ symptomatology by lengthening the period of response to medication with enhanced tolerance, and so, modify the progression of the disease. Therefore, hypothesize the combination of NAC neuroprotective/disease-modifying properties with the SCS regenerative potentialities may hold a multimodal and promising approach for treating PD (Figure 1). 


  • 发布日期: 2021-11-22  浏览: 567