
    The blood-brain barrier models to study apolipoprotein E genotypes in Alzheimer’s disease
  • Figure 1| Blood-brain barrier is supported by multiple cell types in the brain. 

    Endothelial cells that line the BBB are adjoined by specific protein tight junctions (e.g., occludins, ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, claudins and cingulins) with their basement membrane, and supported by underlying brain pericytes, astroglial foot processes and other brain cells (Figure 1). As the most abundant cells in the brain, astrocytes provide a supporting environment not only for neuronal survival and function but also for maintaining healthy BBB. Evidences support a synergistic role for the regulation of structure and function of BBB by cell types other than astrocytes and highlight the importance of cellular communications. In healthy brains these layers display specific and tightly regulated transport mechanisms between the blood and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (Zlokovic, 2011). Therefore, as the gatekeeper for peripheral circulation and the brain, the BBB plays an important role in pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases.


  • 发布日期: 2022-03-10  浏览: 372